At The Fountain of Life Grace Springs Church we believe in the word of God and in Psalms 40:9-10 it reads "I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O Lord. I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation." Read the testimonies below to hear of the great things God is doing in the lives of our members.
The Lord has given you a testimony to share so others can hear of His goodness please submit your own testimony below!
On the early hours of the 3rd of January 2018, I got the news of the passing away of my dear Uncle. The news was devastating and I was still trying to accept the reality of the situation. As if that was not enough, one of his children (daughter) went for a simple procedure in one of the good hospitals in Nigeria late last year (October 2017). During the procedure, her intestine was perforated and there was a leakage from the intestine into the uterus. She was experiencing excruciating abdominal pain. She got treated with various antibiotics with no positive effects and unknowing to the doctors that an error had been made. She got transferred from one hospital to another and it was during all her traumatizing period that her father passed. The grief was burdensome on her but because she knew the God she serves and had faith that whatever her situation her God can do all things, she continued to hold on to God, the “Great healer.” he doctors decided to reassess what they had done before and discovered the havoc that had been done...
Pastor Daniel
2016 was a low point financially for my wife and I. We had given birth to a child and didn’t fully anticipate all the new family expenses. We also didn’t plan for only one of us to work for most of the year. So going into 2017, we declared that it was going to be our banner year. We believed that we were going to be able to accomplish more in one year than we had ever accomplished in our entire lives. Well, I can say GOD Showed up and showed out on our behalf. In 2017 alone, we tripled our income. My wife graduated with a degree she had been working on for several years. I almost wrapped up another masters program while starting a doctorate degree. GOD exploded our giving. We were able to bless and sow into the lives of more people and ministries than we ever had. GOD is Good and HE is Faithful!!!
Pastor Jide
On 19 December, 2017, I woke up feeling like my life was about to come to an end. Something kept telling me that my business trip to North Carolina that day was going to be my last. So, I started rebuking the voice each time it came. Prior to that, my pastor, as a result of a revelation he had, had been praying a specific prayer point that “there will be no sudden death or graveyard service in our church in the remaining part of the year 2017 ”. I tapped into the same prayer, and the more I prayed the heavier/thicker the cloud became.When it came to the time I was to leave for the airport, my youngest son, in a very unusual way, ran to me and as I carried him, he started crying. He was crying so much that, at a point he wrapped his legs around me as if he was saying “don’t go dad”...